“WFPO CLG participation in the Seafood Sectoral Civic Dialogue on BREXIT”

Patrick Murphy, CEO of the largest P.O. in Ireland – Irish South & West Fish Producers Organisation – (IS&WFPO), The Pier, Castletownbere, Co. Cork was Invited to and attended yesterday an Industry Meeting to discuss our views on the implications of Brexit regarding the Irish Fishing Industry. Mr.
Murphy was asked to and made a Presentation thereon and subsequently sat on a Panel to participate in a Q & A Session.

The Event was held at the Radisson Blu Hotel, Dublin Airport and maximized the opportunity for sharing information and gave time for an open and informed discussion specific to the implications on the Irish
Fishing Industry. Speakers included Minister Creed and Representatives from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Bord Bia, Producers Organisations and IFPEA. The IS&WFPO were delighted to have been given this opportunity to highlight and impress upon those
present the challenges and risks as a result of the Brexit outcome.
Patrick Murphy said “we are very pleased with how Minister Creed who spent the entire day listening to our concerns and who encouraged all present to engage with his Department to help formulate ideas on
how we all can best face this huge challenge together”

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