Grant Applications

BIM Fleet Schemes
BIM have announced the launch of a new stand alone Funding Scheme for Fishing Vessel Owners who wish to Modernise their vessels according to approved expenditure itemisation.
More detailed information, as well as a list of approved items, can be found on the website :-

BIM Enhanced Safety Training Scheme Application Form
The BIM Enhanced Safety Scheme is a one day course which allows those who completing the course to avail of a special incentive which provides grant aid of up to 60% towards the cost of purchasing a Personal Flotation Device. Further information and details on how to apply are included in the application form.

Fleet Quality, Hygiene and Responsible Fishing Scheme
This scheme provides grant assistance to vessels to invest in capital equipment for the implementation of onboard seafood environmental, quality and handling systems.
Further information and details on how to apply are included in the application form
If members require further information on any of the above grant schemes or any other grant aid available from BIM please contact the IS&WFPO office.